No doubt about it, coffee’s a flavor we just can’t live without. It’s that bracing, spine-straightening, spot of bitter delivered with our morning joe that launches us on our day and provides the subtle flavors we crave in mocha dishes, coffee liqueurs, frostings and ice creams. Coffee is a beverage bound to bring smiles to our faces and put a spring in our step.
This recipe book is unique in that it draws on distinctive flavors only Sonoma Cold-brew coffee made the Sonoma Coffee & Tea way brings to a recipe. We’re aware of the many health benefits offered by cold brew coffee brewed without exposure to scalding water - there are fewer acids, it’s easier on the stomach lining, soothing to digestion. Hot coffee’s bitterness arises due to the transformation of natural coffee elements (healthy antioxidants) into bitter-tasting quinic acid.
The secret ingredient your aunt added to her award-winning meat marinade, or chili, or Mexican mole sauce, or brownies, may have been none other than a measure of cold brew coffee. The delicious flavors imparted by a Sonoma Cold-brew coffee surface without the telltale bitter notes normally associated with coffee - bitterness that can mask the coffee’s other delectable tones and overwhelm a recipe’s more subtle elements. Sonoma Cold-brew coffee contributes a smoothly mellow, flavor-enhancing ... something. What is that flavor? …
Now the secret is yours. Whether concocting a deliciously refreshing beverage, a dessert, sauce, marinade, or entrée, you now have at your disposal a secret weapon - a healthy and flavorful addition to a wide variety of dishes that will leave people wondering, “What is that flavor that makes this so good!”
Experiment. Enjoy!
Presented with permission from Madesco Labs